Frankly, this is my first time having a blog. so, hopefully all of you can guide me to make my blog become more interesting and something rewarding.

what is the most precious things in life??
personal freedom, relationship with others and good health.
WELL, think about it...

LOTS OF LUV TO PN. ASMAYATI...n truly thanks for guiding me!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

My Teaching Philosophy

teaching is not an easy task. It comes along with responsibility, knowledge and skills. Along my valuable journey here, I really hope someday when I become a teacher, I can educate my students to be a high quality human who can contribute their efforts toward the progress and prosperity of our country. Academic ability should come with excellent attitude. To brighten the student, the teacher should set a serious attitude first because they are the main role model in school. I am not only planning to produce students with rows of A’s and a superbrialliant mind but also someone who can think creatively and critically  in a rational way. Apart from this, I want to be a teacher who…:
1)      Always performed well in every teaching session, meaning that I must have lots of knowledge so that I can share with my students without any doubt.

2)      Never take the responsibility of teaching for granted. I need to maximize the time in class for the benefits of the students. Every single cents that I get should be halal and from a clean source…
RASULULLAH S.A.W bersabda,
‘Setiap daging yang tumbuh dari hasil yang haram maka nerakalah tempat yang paling layak untuknya’(Riwayat Tabrani)

3)      Having a good relationship with students. Never giving them hard time with nagging or showing them “ghost” expression. Having a good time together so that they can learn with all their heart. Gain respect from students by way of teaching not because they scared being scold.

4)      Always pray for the students success.

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