Frankly, this is my first time having a blog. so, hopefully all of you can guide me to make my blog become more interesting and something rewarding.

what is the most precious things in life??
personal freedom, relationship with others and good health.
WELL, think about it...

LOTS OF LUV TO PN. ASMAYATI...n truly thanks for guiding me!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Benefits of Campstudio  in Education World :

1)      Facilitate the teachers in giving explanation about a certain process which is abstract and need the students to imagine an abstract things such as the hybridization process.
2)      Attract students attention as the teaching is together with images and video which reduce boredom among students.
3)      Improve the quality of teaching with the use of technology. The education material become more advanced and effective.
4)      Enhance the potential of teachers in providing a material which contained lots of information and delivered the information in a short time.

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